Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Dawson Creek

The four of us arrived in Dawson Creek, the start of the Alaska Highway, yesterday. Of course we had to get photos of the official Milepost "0".

Today, we took a side trip to the little town of Tumbler Ridge. It's about 54 miles (wait, I guess since we're dealing with Kilometers all the time here, it is 90 KM) from Dawson Creek. The town is famous for it's Dinosaur trails. In 2000, two young boys were rafting on the river and fell out of the raft. They walked to the bank and saw the tracks in some flat rocks. Some experts were brought in and confirmed that they were real dino tracks. Jan and & took a hike to see the trails. It was about 1 1/2 miles each way. Just as we got there, it started raining and of course, even though we brought our raincoats, we had left them in the car.

We had planned to go another 65 KM to see Kinuseo Falls, but I developed a little chest pain on the walk back to the car (in the rain). Jan & Nell insisted that I go to the community clinic in Tumbler Ridge. They did a couple of ECGs and drew blood twice for cardiac enzymes. I DID NOT HAVE A HEART ATTACK, but the Dr. recommended that I have a stress test before we continue our trip. So, being in Canada with their free health care, since I was from the US, the Dr was able to skip me WAY UP on the waiting list for the stress test (which is in a Hospital in Fort St. John) and I only have to wait until next Monday. So it looks like we'll be staying in Dawson Creek for a while longer than we expected. If the stress test is negative, we probably will continue. If not, we'll head back to Milwaukee. So, we never made it to the falls.
On the way back to Dawson Creek, we saw this Bull Moose standing next to the road. He was nice enough to pose for a bunch of pictures.
A little further down the road, we saw two Elk grazing if a field. They were quite a way from the road, but the new digital camera has an 18x optical and 4x digital zoom, so I was able to get some pics. Hopefully, we will get a chance to see more a lot closer to us.
I'll keep y'all updated on my health, but it seems that there is no immediate need for concern.

1 comment:

The 2 Loons said...

Be good! By the way, are you going to get to Chetwynd for the carving? That "On Eagle Wings" is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.